Deprecations in metadata-providers.xml


There are  a few things needing to be removed 

  • The non file-backed HTTPMEtadataProvider

  • The ChainingFilter

  • A whole bunch of attributes on the HTTP providers

  • The use of the security namespace in trivial cases

  • resource:FilesystemResource

  • resource:ClasspathResource

  • resource:HttpResource

  • resource:FileBackedHttpResource

  • metadata:MetadataResource

I'll Note that we do currently warn for using a trust engine into a TLS trust engine. I'm poretty sure that we want to reverse this deprecation (as we did for complex metadata signature definition), but I'll ask





Rod Widdowson April 4, 2019 at 8:31 AM

Brent pointed out to me that I had misread which class was getting setTLSTrustEngine set on it...

All done. No deprecation warning fire during any of the idp-profile-spring tests

Rod Widdowson March 30, 2019 at 11:18 AM

(this is the last work needed in this case so it can be closed when that is done)

Rod Widdowson March 30, 2019 at 11:18 AM

The method {{HTTPMetadataProvidersParserSupport#parseTLSTrustEngine}} calls into the deprecated method {{TLSSocketFactoryFactoryBean#setTLSTrustEngine}}.

I am unsure what the best way of dealing with this is, soI'll pass this off to Brent.

Rod Widdowson March 30, 2019 at 11:16 AM

Removed test for the was-deprecated, now-removed "tlsRustEngineRef" attribute of the DynamicHTTPMetadatProvider

Rod Widdowson March 29, 2019 at 5:12 PM


  • The method HTTPMetadataProvidersParserSupport#parseTLSTrustEngine calls into the deprecated method TLSSocketFactoryFactoryBean#setTLSTrustEngine. I'll probably pass this one back to to resolve since the fix seems pretty complex (build and entire HTTPClient) and he might want to rationalize how this all works - and it is pretty subtle

  • DynamicHTTPMetadataProviderParserTest#testDeprecated needs analysis

  • HTTPResourceConfigurationTests#testDown calls deprecated Spring methods. Now fixed

  • SignatureValidationParserTest had a method to clear deprecations warning so as to flush other warnings. No longer needed. Removed

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Fix versions

Created February 25, 2019 at 4:16 PM
Updated April 4, 2019 at 8:31 AM
Resolved April 4, 2019 at 8:31 AM