Initial OIDC plugin port to V4 APIs


I'm intimately familiar with the major V4 API changes (Predicate/Function, DateTime, ProfileConfiguration design, and the AttributeEncoder to Transcoder) so I will take a first pass at getting a PR together for the initial porting work.

I'm basing the work on the current master branch in github and I'll rebase to 1.1 once that's done.





Scott Cantor January 14, 2020 at 5:11 PM

Not sure if it's trustworthy but after my latest clean up of unrelated stuff and re-running mvn verify to prep the tree again, all the tests pass now. That may not hold, but for the moment I'll call this done.

Scott Cantor January 13, 2020 at 6:45 PM

All but 2 revocation-related tests are now passing, with some of the wiring of new stuff being a bit provisional for the moment until I get some improvements made to the core objects.

Save for that, and some final improvements to the claims encoding to deal with nulls better, initial port is pretty much done.

Henri Mikkonen January 10, 2020 at 12:09 PM

Some flow tests now work as I updated couple conf-files to be compatible with V4:

  • _conf/oidc-relying-party.xml:_ removed HttpServletRequest injections to profile configurations

  • conf/global.xml: defined the missing testbed.MetadataResolverResources required by idp-conf test classes

The maven-dependency-plugin in idp-oidc-extension-impl/pom.xml should copy the required conf-files from idp-conf. At least after running _mvn verify_ in the command-line, I can also run the flow tests from Eclipse. Their logs go to _idp-oidc-extension-impl/classpath:/logs/_.

Scott Cantor January 10, 2020 at 2:17 AM

More tests fixed, and several test file issues partially bottomed out, but I'm not sure the flow tests were actually successful within Eclipse to start with because of the relative paths involved.

Before I check in any fixes I want to get more clarity around the expected test environment, and I want to carefully track the changes that are actually relevant to the deployer upgrade process from V3.

Scott Cantor January 9, 2020 at 9:21 PM

The big commit is done. A lot of tests still fail but a lot of them are just V4 internal fixes we need in the tests (e.g. the metadata tests are blowing up because they aren't populating the supporting code with a Spring ApplicationContext).

Will continue to investigate and fix.

I checked in Eclipse files based on what my IDE did and our defaults re: checkstyle and such.

The big functional change is the conversion of the AttributeEncoders and that will need more study. I know I changed behavior around null values.

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Fix versions

Created December 31, 2019 at 1:35 AM
Updated May 29, 2020 at 3:06 PM
Resolved January 14, 2020 at 5:11 PM