Collapse the attribute resolver language namespaces
is related to
Rod Widdowson September 22, 2016 at 10:14 AM
Removed deporecated/unsupported attributes from new schema in r8421
Rod Widdowson September 13, 2016 at 1:20 PM
I'm declaring this done. It may pop open if I remember something else but it looks good.
The relaxing of the ordering (particularly) for DataConnectors is pretty low key in all this but it should make life a bunch easier for deployers.
Rod Widdowson September 13, 2016 at 1:08 PM
Deprecation done as R8387.
Such Documentation as can be done prior to release is done, as is the release note.
Rod Widdowson September 13, 2016 at 10:36 AM
I was looking at the Attribute Filter stuff and I noticed that we warn about use of the legacy namespaces.
We need to add a similar warning to the attribute resolver code - particularly the use of pc:
Rod Widdowson September 11, 2016 at 1:38 PM
r8384 allow the common sec:X509ResourceBacked StartTLSTrustCertificate mechanism to be replaced with a trustFile="path" short cut.
Documentation od this and the and "whats new" page is pending.
Case is for the changes when the release is made.
This is more of a question of whether this is a good idea.
In we are collapsing the filter namespaces down to afp:.
I have just remembered that the attribute resolver has similar multiple namespaces, although it is less obvious since each segment has its own namespace (pc, dc, ad, enc).
Do we want to do the same surgery for attribute definition as we are doing for attribute filter (also with the one-off chance to change the language). I'd propose NOT doing this for the pc namespace which is deprecated anyway