
Placeholder task for work related to supporting Java 10. Note that Java 10 is not an LTS release so we will not be supporting it as a deployment environment; work here is to support testing under Java 10, and filing off the edges early so that our support of the next LTS release (Java 11, September 2018) will be less painful.





Ian Young January 14, 2020 at 5:30 PM

All sub-issues resolved.

Ian Young September 17, 2018 at 2:56 PM

Not required to build under Java 7, so removing that "fix version".

Ian Young March 15, 2018 at 1:58 PM

Updated some Maven plugins:

master branch commit be99878b1e2e4b2d23f640337559943c73e133b6

maint-7 branch commit f1a4848fdd0d76844884e1348eb8d627e7c02980

This gets mvn test and mvn install working under Java 10, at least for java-support. Probably need to verify the rest of the stack at some point before adding Java 10 to -multi tests.

This also gets mvn site almost working, before it breaks due to JPAR-116. Anything involving -Prelease suffers from the same problem.


Ian Young March 14, 2018 at 10:12 AM

maven-javadoc-plugin 3.0.1 will not use commons-lang3 to determine version but an internal Maven method instead, which may help in the future.

Ian Young March 7, 2018 at 5:36 PM

Incidentally, after some poking around it looks to me as if even commons-lang3 version 3.7 gives an NPE under Java 11 EA. The code there looks worryingly like it will need to be updated for every version of Java by design. This is going to cause everyone a ton of trouble if releases come every six months. I will verify over in and raise an appropriate ticket at that level.

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Ian Young


Ian Young

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