Track GraalVM as a deployment environment
Rod Widdowson September 22, 2020 at 2:40 PM
Note the incredible License restrictions which appear to say that we need to read all of the code before we can know whether it is safe to use this. So this isn't a deployable thing but might be something we might want to let people know they might want to use if they wanted to live on the bleeding edge.

Ian Young March 5, 2020 at 2:32 PM
I did a quick smoke test on the Java 11 stack with Graal 20... with the predictable result that most things failed at some point because of the scripting engine differences. In the Java 11 stack, this includes java-support which I guess has grown some more functionality in this area.
If we wanted to make progress from here we'd need to provide some sort of test support that figured out what to do depending on the runtime environment. We might need that in any case for the Nashorn transition, see JPAR-121.

Ian Young March 5, 2020 at 2:06 PM
Graal 20 is out. This is available in both Java 8 and Java 11 flavours. Windows is now out of "experimental" but still seems a bit behind. Linux/ARM is "experimental".
Things are now split into "Community" and "Enterprise" editions. Community is free for any use; Enterprise is free for evaluation but a paid product on top of an Oracle Java SE subscription running at an additional £170pa per seat.
The Enterprise edition "provides additional performance, security, and scalability relevant for running applications in production".

Ian Young May 13, 2019 at 10:52 AM
Quick smoke test as of 2019-05-13 of Java 7 platform projects:
seems OKspring-extensions
has test issues around runnable resourcesjava-metadata-aggregator
seems OKjava-opensaml
has test issues around scripted functionsjava-identity-provider
has test issues around scripted functions
None of this is surprising, as GraalVM includes a new JavaScript engine (see ).
Obviously can't test anything from the Java 11 platform yet.


GraalVM has a "production" version available for Linux and macOS, based on Java 8:
Windows is "experimental" and Java 11 is "planned".
This is a placeholder to track GraalVM as it matures towards the point where someone might consider it as a deployment environment. That time is not yet.