SerializeSupport.prettyPrintXML test fails under Java 9
Scott Cantor April 7, 2020 at 6:10 PM
This is fixed, changing the test file's indent to 4 spaces passes. I assume if this actually breaks that means we have more serializer differences and we'll cross that bridge if we have to.
Scott Cantor April 7, 2020 at 6:06 PM
I'll take a quick stab then, if it's routine I can get it done now.
Rod Widdowson April 7, 2020 at 6:03 PM
Seems like we should. Now we are at j11 ‘what could possibly go wrong’
Scott Cantor April 7, 2020 at 5:50 PMEdited
@Rod Widdowson I think we need to revisit this old issue because near as I can tell there's a test branch where the "fix" was to ignore the test on Java 9. That obviously predates our finalization of the plan for this branch to be based on Java 11, otherwise we wouldn't bother keeping the test at all since that Java check always evals true now.
The whole deal was the change in indentation on prettyPrint. Am I wrong, or shouldn't we either stop testing this or just change the test data to match the expected indentation on Java 11?
(Don't ask why I ran into this, it was me testing a serialization issue and using this test code as a harness.)
Rod Widdowson October 8, 2017 at 1:42 PM
Over to Ian in case here is more to do
prettyPrintXML method appears to generate different output under Java 9, causing a test to fail.