New endpoint to produce JSON data used by new Discovery Service
The new HTML/CSS/Javascript based discovery service is powered by a JSON data file that contains, mostly, UI related IdP data. The discovery service, because of the same-origin policy used by browsers, will need to pull a single JSON file from a local, to the site, source. It would be nice if the SP could provide an endpoint that provided this file based the currently loaded metadata (after it has been validated and filtered).
Currently defaults to file-based exchange of feed between shibd and web server, and ignores client-side caching. Waiting on testing results from Rod before finalizing defaults.
Scott Cantor September 17, 2010 at 9:55 PM
Base class to manage in-memory feed added, chaining provider enhanced to aggregate feeds into an ostream.
The new HTML/CSS/Javascript based discovery service is powered by a JSON data file that contains, mostly, UI related IdP data. The discovery service, because of the same-origin policy used by browsers, will need to pull a single JSON file from a local, to the site, source. It would be nice if the SP could provide an endpoint that provided this file based the currently loaded metadata (after it has been validated and filtered).
The schema for the JSON file can be found here:
An example file is attached