openSUSE 12.1 erases /var/run at each reboot, so shibd fails to start
Problem: shibd tries to create files and sockets in /var/run/shibboleth. This directory is created once when the RPM is installed, but in openSUSE Linux 12.1 /var/run (as well as /var/lock) is now mounted on tmpfs, and therefore emptied automatically at each reboot.
How to reproduce:
Install shibboleth-2.4.3-3.1.i586.rpm
"/etc/init.d/shibd start" works fine
"/etc/init.d/shibd start" fails with
2011-12-19 17:58:20 ERROR Shibboleth.Listener : socket call resulted in error (2): no message 2011-12-19 17:58:20 CRIT Shibboleth.Listener : failed to bind to socket.
the directory /var/run is only meant for information related to currently running processes, which by definition can be discarded at each reboot, such as pids and sockets. For more long-term state, please consider using /var/cache or /var/lib instead.
The above error message in /var/log/shibboleth/shibd.log could be improved by actually stating what went wrong in terms of file path and errno (here: ENOTDIR), e.g. "bind() cannot create /var/run/shibboleth/shibd.sock: not a directory"
Main patch to fix makefiles, specfile, and init scripts to handle /var/cache directory and recreate rundir at startup.
Windows installer still needs to be updated.
Scott Cantor January 21, 2012 at 11:21 PM
Include re-direction of cache/backup files along with fixing the creation of the run directory.
Scott Cantor December 20, 2011 at 6:50 PM
Thanks. Regarding the error message, the "no message" in the log is because that's what the OS gave me. Since errno appears to be set (2), I assume the bug is in the strerror call, but I can't see where.
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Problem: shibd tries to create files and sockets in /var/run/shibboleth. This directory is created once when the RPM is installed, but in openSUSE Linux 12.1 /var/run (as well as /var/lock) is now mounted on tmpfs, and therefore emptied automatically at each reboot.
How to reproduce:
Install shibboleth-2.4.3-3.1.i586.rpm
"/etc/init.d/shibd start" works fine
"/etc/init.d/shibd start" fails with
2011-12-19 17:58:20 ERROR Shibboleth.Listener : socket call resulted in error (2): no message
2011-12-19 17:58:20 CRIT Shibboleth.Listener : failed to bind to socket.
in /var/log/shibboleth/shibd.log.
Suggested fix/workaround: Add the line
[ -d /var/run/shibboleth ] || mkdir /var/run/shibboleth
to /etc/init.d/shibd, or equivalent, to recreate (as root) that directory each
time before starting shibd, if necessary.
See also:
Related considerations:
According to
the directory /var/run is only meant for information related to
currently running processes, which by definition can be discarded
at each reboot, such as pids and sockets. For more long-term state,
please consider using /var/cache or /var/lib instead.
The above error message in /var/log/shibboleth/shibd.log could be
improved by actually stating what went wrong in terms of file path
and errno (here: ENOTDIR), e.g. "bind() cannot create
/var/run/shibboleth/shibd.sock: not a directory"