Entities carrying the http://macedir.org/entity-category entity attibute with the http://refeds.org/category/hide-from-discovery attribute value should not be shown in the EDS. (At least not unless some other UI element is added to allow subjects to also see any hidden entities, which would probably add too much noise to the UI.)
You don't need SVN for this (and the cpp-sp project has meanwhile moved over to git) as the default configuration (as per above) already ships with existing SP releases.
trscavo@ncsa.illinois.edu May 11, 2016 at 12:06 PM
The SVN location above returns 404 not found.
Scott Cantor May 11, 2016 at 2:42 AM
After considering a bit more, and in light of the fact that the DiscoveryFilter feature was a bit awkwardly implemented inside the opensaml library and not in the SP itself, it's not a good fit to try and put a shortcut there.
Entities carrying the http://macedir.org/entity-category entity attibute with the http://refeds.org/category/hide-from-discovery attribute value should not be shown in the EDS.
(At least not unless some other UI element is added to allow subjects to also see any hidden entities, which would probably add too much noise to the UI.)