Add an AttributeDecoder that can produce a NameID-style attribute from a scoped SAML attribute, and possibly vice versa.
Because of the eduPersonTargetedID syntax change, it would be useful if the SP could produce a serialized value that is the same regardless of which SAML protocol or value syntax is used by an IdP.
The most generic solution to produce the new syntax out of the old is to turn a "scoped" SAML syntax into an internal NameIDAttribute by slapping the issuer's entityID in as the NameQualifier and just dropping the scope.
A harder feature would be the reverse, by creating a ScopedAttribute using a single Scope extension in the NameQualifier's metadata.
Because of the eduPersonTargetedID syntax change, it would be useful if the SP could produce a serialized value that is the same regardless of which SAML protocol or value syntax is used by an IdP.
The most generic solution to produce the new syntax out of the old is to turn a "scoped" SAML syntax into an internal NameIDAttribute by slapping the issuer's entityID in as the NameQualifier and just dropping the scope.
A harder feature would be the reverse, by creating a ScopedAttribute using a single Scope extension in the NameQualifier's metadata.